Monday 21 October 2013

Shots, Facial Expressions, Angles and Poses Experiments

Before constructing my magazine I needed to do a lot of crucial research and planning around my target audience but also a lot of experimentation to do with colours, fonts and images. I needed to look at facial expression, shots, angles and poses. I think out of the results I took the happy, direct mode of address look works really well as the model is looking directly at the reader. I tried using high and low angles but I don't think they looked as effective as a medium close up shot. I really liked the hands on hips look as it looks more casual and relatable and the viewers would like this. The guitar prop looks nice, I like the one where she is looking at the camera so it's got a direct mode of address but I think this prop is too large and a little distracting but I really like the prop idea as it looks great and looks great on inspirational texts too. It also helps tell a story and gives the hint to the readers it is a rock magazine, a good prop would be a drumstick or guitar pick to fit with this music genre.

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