Monday 21 October 2013

My Second Contents Page Deconstruction

This is a contents page from Kerrang! The essential information is in the top third of the page next to the masthead, it says 'issue no:1448' and 'cover date:12/01/13'. The layout is very tidy and organised, this is good as it is set out really well so you can find articles really easy. The main colours used are black and yellow and these are really bold so attract the reader to the sub headings down the right hand side. There is a puff featured on the page and it is to 'win a meet and greet tickets for All Time Low'. The image included in this puff is big so this is the main image of the contents page. This is a really good puff to use as this will be an attractive feature for most of the target audience. The puff includes red text and this looks very bold as this colour isn't used anywhere else on the page.

The sub headings are divided up into sections including things such as 'news', 'live reviews', 'gig guide' etc. This is a really good thing to do because if the reader specifically only wants to look at an album review they will know to look in that section and find that information really quickly.

There isn't a page number or a website link included on this contents page which is unusual. In the bottom right third there is another puff and this is to get a subscription to the magazine for only £15. This is a much smaller advertised puff compared to the other which takes up half the page because it is less important. They attract readers to the smaller puff by using a secondary image and bold colours such as blue, yellow and black. In the bottom third there is also a letter wrote by the editor and this also includes a secondary image.

There are a few different sizes of text used on this page, the text in the main article is in white and a lot of it is capitalised to stand out. The text used in the sub headings is yellow and black and the yellow text is slightly larger as it is the title of the sub heading and the black, smaller text is describing what the article is about. The text included in the editors' letter at the bottom is really small as it's not as important as the rest of the page is.

None of the subheadings have secondary images or are anchored; I think sub headings look better with images as it makes them look more attractive. Overall this contents page is really bold, well organised and captures the attention of the reader really well.

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