Thursday, 3 October 2013

Magazine Front Cover Ideas

I need to start thinking of ideas for my music magazine and this includes looking at poses and background ideas.
To get some ideas for posture ideas I looked at similar music magazine covers with both a girl (Lana Del Rey) and a band with men (Biffy Clyro) on the cover so I could look at different options I have depending on whether my cover model is male or female and if they are in a band or are a solo artist.
I know I want my front cover photo to look quite casual because if the main image stands out too much it will draw all the attention away from the main sell line and the other sell-lines.
Also I've noticed and as you can see on these images I have found the cover models usually wear black or white as the main image covers most the background and bright font contrasts really well with those colours.
I still haven't decided if I want just one person on the front of my magazine or whether a band would look better. For the mise-en-scene I want it to be quite basic but look good so I want this to be in a photography studio, I will use one of the college photography studios to take this photo in. I need to choose a day that my friends, who are modelling will all be available and this may be difficult to organise and I need to make sure to plan it in advance so I know one of college studios is available at that date and time.
For the background, most of the magazines such as Kerrang! and NME have plain backgrounds as you can't see them that much anyway but for my magazine I still want quite a basic background too. I am thinking of having either a wall or a fence behind them. I could also try and take it in a photography studio at college to make it look more professional too. Another reason I think it will be more suitable doing the shoot inside, in a studio is that if it was outside I would need dry or sunny weather and this might cause a delay in taking the photos.

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