Friday 25 October 2013

Problems With My Photoshoot

My photoshoot was supposed to be on Monday 28th October and it would be during half term but the college is closed then so we can't do it anymore. The only day it is open is Wednesday so we will have to do it then instead. My photography teacher Robin told me that he would be in on wednesday so could help me too but I'm not sure if the studio is booked on wednesday so that is a problem as I won't be back at that college until after half term now. All my friends except one can do the Wednesday instead so that is fine but the only problem is getting there as there aren't that may buses that go past the other college so I will have to try and organise this over the weekend. The weather on monday is also really bad as it will be stormy and windy so hopefully the weather will be better on wednesday, here is the forecast:

I contacted all my friends by text message telling them the new plans:

Hopefully there should be no other issues on the day and I will hopefully get in one of the studios too. The weather will hopefully be as it is supposed to be so I can go outside and do some shots as well.

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