Friday 25 October 2013

Name Ideas

I wanted the name of my magazine to really stand out and sound good. I first of all thought of ideas like NME, and thought what abbreviations I could have that were similar. I came up with 'RMM' -Rock Music Magazine or 'RMH' - Rock Music Hits.

After I thought of these I then thought of names that could relate more to my magazine such as ideas to do with rock music for example, I then came up with the ideas 'Soundwave', 'Beat' and 'Amplitude'.

After thinking of a couple potential names I decided to go with 'Beat' as it related to the magazine as it showed the magazine was music. It also associates the magazine with being rock as the first thing you think of with the word beat is drums which makes you think of rock music. I think it will be a good name to use and sounds quite catchy too. 

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