Wednesday 2 October 2013

Preliminary Task Photo Ideas

For the preliminary task my group decided to use the top image of me as we thought the lighting was really good and the mode of address was direct so it relates really well to the reader. The picture was also in the middle of the page so would be good to write articles around it and there was plenty of room at the top for the masthead without it being over the top of the image. It was quite a basic photo too so wouldn't be too distracting either so it was a really good choice to use for the front cover.

The other image we considered using is the next one down. We were going to use it because it showed the college facilities really well and there was also a lot of room for articles and the masthead too. We decided not to use to use it as the lighting from the window at the back was too bright and could be distracting and we preferred the direct mode of address on the image above.

The other two images were also considered as they both showed some of the building from outside so this was a good location and background to use. One of the images was me looking straight at the camera so had a direct mode of address but it was quite far out from the camera so didn't look as good as the top image. The other image wasn't that good as it was windy so our hair was in the way and looked really messy and not very professional. The other reason is because we weren't looking straight ahead so it wasn't relating to the reader in any way at all.

All the other images except the top one that we didn't use were all quite far away and the best front cover images are the ones that are close up shots as they aren't as distracting and they tend to engage with the reader more than the others.I think we made a good decision choosing the top image as it works really well.

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