Sunday 27 October 2013

Double Page Spread Flat Plan

For my double page spread I want to make it look really similar to ones from inspirational texts that I had looked at. To do this I wanted to include a really large pull quote alongside the main image on the left hand side. In an article in Kerrang! I saw that they included a setlist alongside the main image so I wanted to make something really similar to this so decided to include tour dates as this is something really similar and looks really effective. Also after doing my reader profile and looking at other rock magazine reader profiles a real interest of a lot of the readers was going to gigs and live music so I felt like this feature would be really useful and fit with this theme really well. To also fit with the genre I wanted to create this tour date list on a crumpled up stained piece of paper, I did this using a teabag and this fit really well with the whole rock, chaotic look to the magazine. I wanted to make the image a long shot so it fits the whole page up. I made it a direct mode of address again so it really appeals to the reader and they feel some kind of personal connection with the model. For the font I wanted to make it really easy to read for the readers so I am using red and black alternative text to represent both the interviewer and the singer. I really liked a ransom style of font that I saw on a NME double page spread  that I liked so I used a similar font that I found on and I think that it fits really well with the theme. I also added an album review at the bottom as this is another thing my target audience really find interesting. I also made a 'recommended for you' section too so other fans of similar music would be really attracted to the this artist even if they hadn't heard of her. I also used high key lighting to stick the the professional feel like the other images and I stuck to the black and red colour scheme too.

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