Wednesday 2 October 2013

Preliminary Task Feedback

We collected some feedback on our magazine by the rest of our media class, this really helped me to know what worked with this cover and what could be improved. Everyone really liked our main image, they said the mode of address was direct which works really well so draws the reader in. The masthead also got a lot of really positive results as people said it was really bold and stood out well. Most people really liked the puff too, they liked the position and the colours used. 
Although we did forget to put a price on it and this would be essential to have one. Some areas of the blue text is also really hard to read so we could of used a darker colour or positioned it better. A lot of people said we should include a secondary image too but we did think about doing this but decided not too as the main image looked much better alone, if a secondary image was added; it would have drew attention away from the main image, which we didn't want. We had mixed feedback on the font style, some people liked it and some people said it looked a bit unprofessional. Next time I will try and use a different font style as it didn't appeal to everyone.
This feedback has gave me a lot of ideas and ways in improving my music magazine so it will look better and more professional.

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