Wednesday 23 October 2013

Planning My Shoot Further

Media Production

Photo shoot planning document

What emotional impact do you want your photography to have upon the reader? How?
I want my photos to have a direct mode of address so my readers feel like the images are looking at them and that they relate to the reader and encourage them to read on as it will hopefully make them interested.

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?
I am going to use my friends and I have contacted them all over Facebook and text to make sure they are available. I have plenty friends coming to help so if a couple can’t make it I will have more than plenty friends to help. I am going to use my friends Abbie and Antonia as my main models as they both fit in with the rock genre really well by their appearance.

What props will you need?
I will need musical props such as drumsticks, guitars and microphones and this won’t be an issue as myself and my friends have all these things collectively.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
I am going to be using a lot of dark, bold colours on my models such as red and blacks and these will contrast really well against the white or grey backgrounds that I will be using and it will make the colours really emphasised.

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
Yes, I have made them look at examples of inspirational texts too and I have a few copies to bring along with me on the day too so I can help them get just the right pose that I need.

What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
I will either be using the college studio which has all the lighting equipment in their or shooting outside, the outside shoots will still look really good as I have settings on my camera to fix any lighting issues.

Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
I will be shooting in the studio or outside of the Shiney Row Campus, the location fits really well with the theme.

Make-up? Costume?

My friends will be wearing clothes suitable to the rock genre such as leather jackets, skinny jeans and a lot of other black clothing. The makeup will be heavy such as eyeliner, deep red lipstick and smokey eyes and this will fit very well with the theme.

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