Monday 7 October 2013

Recce Form

When doing my photoshoot I need to make sure I take in account anything that could go wrong including injuries. I am making this recce form to help me reduce the risk of any of these things happening and to allow me to keep a note on what objects I need to pay close attention to on the day of my shoot.I also need to make this recce form to help me plan my shoot too so it's really important that I fill this form in, in a lot of detail so my shoot goes as smoothly as possible.

1) Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place?
      My photoshoot is taking place in a studio probably so I need to be very careful with the equipment. In a photography studio there are many hazards, the lights are very hot so when altering the light you need to make sure to hold it from the back the rest of it can burn your hand and hurts a lot. The lights also are attached to a rail from the ceiling and hang from an extendable metal scissor arm this is very dangerous as it's easy to get your fingers jammed in it when moving the lights up and down. There are a lot of cables around the studio on the floor so myself and my cover models need to be careful not to trip over. If my shoot doesn't happen in the studio for a reason, my shoot will take place outdoors so if it was raining or icy and the ground is wet or slippy I will need to take care and so will my friends in case they slip and injure themselves. There is a lot of health and safety risks and my friends won't know how to use the studio equipment so I won't let them use it so they are less likely to hurt themselves.

2)What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised?
      I have partially explained this answer in question 1 too but I need to make sure to not let my friends handle the equipment as I got taught how to use and handle the equipment properly by my photography lecturer. This should reduce the risk of any health and safety issues.
3)Will the time of day/weather affects the outcome of the photos? Have you allowed for this?
      My photoshoot will more than likely be in the studio so the weather isn't really important but if I can't get in the studio when I need to it will be at an outside location so i don't want it to be raining or snowing as I won't be able to use my camera as it could break. I also wouldn't want it to be too sunny as it would effect the lighting, ideally I would like it to be dry and not very sunny and that would give the best result.

4)Have you considered the background to your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you will get the background you want?
     When I'm using the college photography studio the background won't be a problem but when I'm taking photos in public areas people and crowds may get in the way so I might have to take photos at mine or my friends houses so no one gets in the way. I want it to look as good as I can so I might have to go to a lot of locations to get the photos I need.
5)Have you considered lighting? What about the problems of natural lighting, either outside, or streaming through a window? Will you need to use a flash? Have you considered reflective objects that might spoil the effect?
      In the photography studio where I want to take most of my photos the lighting shouldn't be a problem as all the equipment I need is there and I know how to use it. Outside the lighting could be a problem as it could be too sunny so the light could interfere with the photo. To get around this problem, if it happens, I will try and get some of my friends to hold up pieces of card to block the light or I'll try and reposition the model to stop this happening. Reflective objects may ruin the effect to so I need to be really careful when taking the photos. I will need to use a flash outside if it is quite a dull day or if my location is particularly dark.

6)Do you need permission to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind?
      I don't need permission as it's at the studio at college, I just need to make sure a book a studio and my session doesn't clash with someone else's.
7)Do you need to book and time in a room?
      I need to book a date and time at the photography studio at shiney and I want to do the shoot at October half term as during the week all my friends are at college different times so it would be the best time during a college holiday. I need to make sure the college is open during half term and need to decide on a time, after lunch time would be a good time to do this if there is a space available.
8) Are other people/crowds likely to be an issue for you? What have you done to ensure that it will not spoil the effect?
      If it's outside then this will probably be a problem unless I do the shoot in my garden so I know there won't be people in the way then. If it's in a public location there is the high possibility of people and crowds being in the background and this will ruin the photo. There shouldn't be anyone in the way in the college photography studio as I am booking the studio out for a certain time so I more guaranteed to get better images in the studio.
9)Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time? Plan B?
      I am really reliant on my friends being able to make the date as I need them for the photos I will be using for my magazine and some of my friends I need to help me with things like holding up card if I need to block the light out. I am also very reliant on props I need a guitar and microphone so need to find where I can get these to use for the shoot, I could try the music room at Shiney. It's also really important that my friends dress to go with the rock theme of my magazine so it all fits together. My plan B would need to happen if I couldn't use the photography studio for some reason and this would mean I would need to shoot in other locations. If I can't use the studio I will have to try and take the 'studio type shoots' in my room and I can do this easily as I have a really good camera and can produce similar quality photos to the studio, I just won't have the studio lights to make it look that bit better.
10)Finally, have you thought of every eventuality?
      I think I've thought of every eventuality as I have thought of all problems to do with location, weather, lighting etc. I have also a plan B too so I can rely on this and it should work if I need to use that.

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