Sunday 27 October 2013

Contents Page Flat Plan

I want to stick to the same colour scheme throughout the magazine as I think this is really important as it identifies that it is the same magazine and genre. I want the contents page to be broken down into categories such as 'News' 'Album Reviews' etc because when I read music magazines I find this really helpful and it makes the layout look really neat. As well as making the magazine easy to read I want the actual layout looking a little messy like other rock magazines where the images are all over and on an angle as this chaotic look really fits with this genre. I want my background to be white as this is what music magazines do and they alternate between text colours of black and red to anchor the images which looks really good. I want to put my main article in the biggest space as this is the thing that will be the most interesting and possibly the reason people would want to read my magazine too. As well as sticking to the same colour scheme I want to use some really similar fonts too. I want to keep the style of bold, capital black font throughout this magazine. I also want to mix the font styles up a little bit too as it will help section off different areas of the contents page and this could be used to help highlight certain areas more if you want to draw the readers attention in, this is things such as the puff in the bottom right third. The model images on this page are both direct and indirect and this is so it looks more varied and so the main article image will stand out more if that is using a direct mode of address it will shift the attention to this image more than others. The shots are mainly medium close ups and close ups and all the lighting is high key also to add a more professional edge like an actual rock magazine.

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