Wednesday 25 September 2013

My Reader Profile

My Reader Profile

To find out more about my target audience I need to create a reader profile. I created two surveys using survey monkey and to collect information from teenagers I put a link on twitter as the people who follow me are the same age as me and also like rock music like me so I thought this would be a good idea. I also got my friends to fill in a printed of version of my survey and went and asked around college too. I thought the most helpful way of collecting target audience information was by using social media so I will use this method again if I need to. 
 My first survey I created was about the magazine itself and this included questions such as 'What music magazines do you read?" and "How much money do you spend on a music magazine on average?" these questions helped me to understand what features my magazine needs to have to attract the readers. My second survey was about the actual reader and included questions such as "What do you do in your spare time?" and "Do you enjoy going to gigs or festivals in your spare time?"
 After I had collected all this information, I could now make my reader profile.

Here is a link to my survey:

I asked a range of questions on my survey that I felt were most appropriate, I asked both qualitative questions such as "how often do you go to gigs" and "what features of a magazine do you find most appealing?" and quantitive questions like "how old are you?" and "how much money would you pay for a music magazine?" too. This gave me a larger range of results and feedback and all contribute to me gathering a better understanding of my target audience and will allow me to construct my magazine even better. I planned what questions to ask really carefully as I needed each question to be necessary and appropriate to give me valid responses to help construct my magazine well.

My reader profile has helped me a lot in now realising what themes and articles I could include. I know what movies, gigs, food and shows are most popular so this could be an idea to write an article about in my magazine or to create a puff for free tickets to a certain festival I now know my target audience would be interested in. My target audience really like logos with reds, blacks and blues I've noticed so I know I need to include these colours a lot in the scheme. The gender is mainly female but it also appeals to males too so I need my magazine to be gender neutral but can focus on mainly females though. My readers would also mainly be students so I could offer something such as student discount off my magazine price to help them out and make it stand out and be different compared to a popular magazine such as Kerrang! who don't offer this, I could use this as an USP.

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