Wednesday 18 September 2013

Initial ideas

I need to start thinking of ideas for my music magazine, so I decided to google similar music magazines or find magazine styles that I liked. I found a couple of examples and doing this has given me a lot of inspiration for my front cover.

The magazine that has inspired me the most for my music magazine is Kerrang! This is because the music genre is the same as mine, (Rock) and I know it is a very popular music magazine with people my age which is my target audience so I want to use it to give me inspiration for my magazine. I also really like the bold colours used such as black, whites, reds and yellows and I think they really stand out to attract the reader. The text is mostly all in capitals too so it is really in your face which is what teenagers prefer. I think this works really well. The messy style layout looks really good too and it shows a similar layout to the one I am thinking of using too.


Another really good example of a magazine I found is Rocksound. I am the age of my target audience and I find this magazine appealing myself. Like Kerrang!, it also has a very chaotic style layout with text and images all over. It uses varied text sizes and font styles which is very eye-catching and works very well. It uses a lot of blues and whites which contrast very well. Unlike Kerrang, not a lot of this text is particularly bold or in capitals so I think the text on the Kerrang cover stands out much more. It doesn't really feature many pictures on the front cover though; I think using a lot of pictures like the Kerrang! one is more appealing. I do really like the main image though, I like the staged, photo shoot style. The most helpful thing about looking at this cover is the text styles and layout.

The final magazine I looked at was NME. This overall looks much more professional compared to the other two magazines I have looked at. I really like the colour scheme used for this issue with the white and pink; it really works well in highlighting certain areas of the page and text. I really like the pose The Strokes are doing on this cover; it covers the full page and is really eye-catching and they are all dressed in black so this makes the pink text pop even more. One thing I don't like about this cover is the way the other articles are laid out in the columns of text underneath. I think the messy layout with more images works a lot better especially for my target audience. The other two magazines were for my exact target audience but NME is also for adults so it would be more sensible to go with more of a theme from the other two but the colour scheme and main photo of this NME cover has helped me a lot.

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