Thursday 12 December 2013

Double Page Spread Feedback

After we finished making our double page spread, everyone in the class gave each other feedback. It gave me an idea of what worked and what didn't and what I could have improved to help me in the future. This is the feedback that I received:

Contents Page Feedback

After we finished making our contents page, everyone in the class gave each other peer feedback. It gave me an idea of what worked and what didn't and what I could have improved to help me in the future. This is the feedback that I received from the class:

My Inspirational Text For My Contents Page

This is my inspirational text, I tried to make my contents look really similar to this Kerrang! contents page as it is similar to what my magazine is like. After completing my survey I knew that Kerrang! was the most popular Rock music magazine with my target audience so I knew a popular layout would go down well with my target audience of teenagers. I put the masthead in the top right third like the Kerrang! cover. I also used the same colour pallet of black and yellow as it fit with the genre really well and the colours were really bold so stood out, I also used some red and whites too as these made text look really good and stood out too. I placed the puff in the bottom right third like Kerrang! too as it looked really good here and I wanted to try an copy the layout as well as I could. I made the editors note in the top left third and the essential info in the top right third just below the masthead too. I made the layout similar too as I put the articles in a grid type style and also made it messy too as my target audience like this style.

Double Page Spread Draft

So your last album went incredibly well as it was named album of the summer by BBC Radio 1, how did that feel for you considering it was your debut album?

It was a surreal feeling, I couldn't believe it when I found out...I feel so lucky to have so much support from the very beginning of my career!

Are you hoping to have just as much success this time round too?

I would love to but I am just completely grateful with all the luck I have right now so I couldn't be happier right now.

The album is due for release on the 16th December so are you hoping to do well in this years Christmas charts?

A Christmas number 1 would be the highlight of any artists career but to get a Christmas number 1 nowadays you have to be this years x factor winner.

That’s not true..Rage Against The Machine won the Christmas mas number 1 a couple years back!

That is true but they are such a legendary band I don’t stand a chance haha!

Well I think you have quite the chance! So my next question is why is your next album called “16”?is your next album called “16”?

Basically it’s all about my past year and what I've gone through and this is basically anything through my music journey, family matters and relationships and it’s called 16 because that’s how old I've been for the majority of this past year so thought it was an ideal name really. I've been for the majority of this past year so thought it was an ideal name really.

You say it’s about family and relationships so is this album a lot more personal this time round?

Yeah definitley! This album is a lot more personal. I’ve went through a lot this year and lost a lot of people so this album is basically describing how I feel after the events that has happened to me this year.

Has becoming a musician really changed your day to day life? Is it too difficult to do some things now?

Well my life has definitely changed but more for the better, it is a bit difficult to go out with my friends now but apart from that it’s not much different, I used to study music at Gateshead College before I got my big break so I’m used to writing and playing music daily anyway so in a lot of aspects my life is just as similar as it was.

So this album is going to be a lot more deep compared to the last album which was quite upbeat so are you worried it’s going to be too much of a different style to what your fans like or are used to?

Not at all, all musicians show variation in their work at some point in their career and it tends to go down really well usually so I think my fans will like the change.

Yeah I’m sure you fans are going to be nehind you the whole way, they kept you at the top of the charts for six weeks running this summer, how did that feel?

It was the most overwhelming feeling when that happened. I remember  I was out with my friends when I got a call from the charts company and I couldn’t have been with a better bunch of people to celebrate with! I was so happy but very confused at the same time!

You say you spent a long time writing our first album, has this second one been rushed compared to the first one?

Not so mush rushed I‘ve just learnt how to write music a lot quicker as I am more experienced and I’ve had more help this time round too.  It isn’t as perfected as last time but I only spent a long time perfecting it as I wanted ti get it just right and create a really good first impression.There was such a high demand for a second album so I felt quite under pressure to write and release it as soon as possible really.

So does that mean you will be having a much longer rest this time round?

Yeah I’ll be having a break over Christmas but then I’m touring in March so I can only have a couple months break before I need to start rehearsals but I love touring so much so I really don’t mind. I’ll have a little break and might even get abroad in between then and the summer because I ‘m playing a lot of festivals in the summer which I’m really looking forward to.

Antonia’s highly anticipated follow up album will be on sale 16th dec and details of her tour dates can be found on the other page. Check her website and twitter for more details and the latest news!

Sunday 8 December 2013

My Inspirational Text For My Double Page Spread

This is my inspirational text for my double page spread, it is from NME. I really liked it because I liked how the image takes up a whole side of this double page spread and the image really stands out and really attracts the reader. I wanted to try and create a similar look to my magazine with the image really dominating the article and drawing the reader in. I also really liked the font used for the pull quote so I used a similar font for the article masthead saying the artist's name. I also made sure my pull quote really stood out so I used black text on a white background the same as here which works really well and draws your eyes to it straight away.I set the article up in a similar way too with the columns and capitalized the first letter of the article too to make it look really professional.I was really happy with how my double page spread turned out and I think I applied lots of similar themes of this inspirational text to my work.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

My Inspirational Text For My Front Cover

This is a front cover of Kerrang! I made my front cover look as much as this as possible as it is a similar style to what I wanted and is the same genre of music magazine. I've stuck to the same colour scheme of red , black and yellow as these are really bold colours and fit really with the theme of this genre. I put the masthead in the top third the same as the inspirational text. The puff is also placed in the top right third and along the top which is where it's found on similar rock magazines. I also put the layout of articles and images in a similar messy but neat layout the same as other popular rock magazines as the target audience like this style. The mode of address is direct to draw the attention of the reader in and this is what it is on the Kerrang! cover and it works really well.The extra info along the bottom third is in the same position and looks really similar to the one on the Kerrang! cover. I have tried to copy the themes and ideas of the inspirational text as well as I could as I knew it is really popular with my target audience.

Sunday 1 December 2013

November Time Management Update

In this month I didn't get loads done. I spent it trying to research into my genre a lot more to try and understand it a lot better and to try and identify what sub genres would work with my magazine the best after carrying out my audience research on current bands they like and after also looking at which bands are most popular in rock music magazines too. I also collected a lot of gig images and edited them so they were ready to use for my magazine as well. I got the following done:
- Carried out sub-genre research.
- Gathered up and edited concert images that I took.
- Analysed my target audience survey results again to check I didn't miss any important information.

Next month I need to get a little more work done so I want to start actually constructing my magazine. I need to decide on a final colour scheme, font styles and colours as well as deciding what final images to use as well.